Welcome to KafkaTrace

Streamline Apache Kafka monitoring with OpenTelemetry

Get Started

1. Install npm package

npm install kafkatrace

2. Build and run the preconfigured containers

import { composer } from 'kafkatrace';

3. Add to each service file and replace [Service Name] as required

import { tracer } from 'kafkatrace';
tracer('[Service Name]');

4. Navigate to localhost port: 16686 for Jaeger, 9411 for Zipkin, 9090 for Prometheus or simply login to the website


Jaeger UI
Pinpoint bottlenecks in your streaming pipelines to quickly troubleshoot issues that may arise.
Obtain visibility to impacts from your Apache Kafka Producer and Consumer Clients.
Jaeger UI
Jaeger UI
Choose from popular and established open source monitoring user interfaces.


Quick to Install and Easy To Implement - Get Started Effortlessly



Modern Dashboards to Display Apache Kafka Client Instrumentation


Privately Hosted

Direct Integration With Your Local Computer for Simplicity and Security

Meet the team

Navdeep Simmak

Navdeep Simmak, Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Wai San Gu

Wai San Gu, Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Felix Chen

Felix Chen, Software Engineer

Software Engineer

Alston Nguyen

Alston Nguyen, Software Engineer

Software Engineer